Christmas With You Page 2
“Come to me,” she commanded, and I did as she directed. “Closer, Bass.” Her face was level with my pants, targeted in on one particular area. “That’s my baby.”
She beamed before she slowly lifted her eyes as her hands got busy unbuckling my pants and pulling them down. When they dropped to the floor, my boxer briefs came second. My manhood stood hard and proud, saluting its goddess.
“I think I should blow the candle first, don’t you think?” Her shapely brow rose as she licked her lips before her hot tongue curled around the crown of the mushroomed head, twirling it in rapid haste, teasing.
“How do you want it, babe? Hard and deep? Tight and swirly? Take your pick.”
Fuck, this woman was beyond out of control, and I fucking loved every kinky part of her. She was just as hungry as I was.
“Deep throat.” I barely got the words out ‘cause I was too intoxicated with anticipation. Emma gave out-of-this-world-porn-like blowjobs and I wouldn’t have it any other way. She was fucking fantastic.
“Deeper,” I grunted out when she started taking me into her mouth, hitting the back of her throat.
Her warm, moist tongue was busy circling around my girth as she slowly took more of me. I urged on until I saw saliva start dripping out the sides of her lips. I took hold of her hair right behind her scalp, bunching it as if it were in a ponytail, as I gently thrust my hips, fucking her mouth. Her lips pressed hard around my shaft so each impact was superbly tight and precise. It didn’t take long until I came, screaming like I was dying; dying from pleasure.
Panting heavily, I barely had my breath before Emma stood up and shoved me on the couch, ready for the next phase. “My turn to be pleased, Bass Cole.” She straddled my lap, pushed her panties to the side and lowered herself onto my soaked shaft. “Sit back, relax and let me do all the work, birthday boy.”
So she did.
One thing I learned that night was that Emma relived her fantasy. And I bet in her wildest dreams, the real reenactment was nothing close to what she had imagined. It was even better.
Our First Christmas as Mister & Missus
When Christmas Eve came, Emma and the caterers were busy in the kitchen, prepping and tasting all the food to be served. I was left to take care of the table setting and whatever else my wife asked me to do. I was excited with the whole thing; getting friends and family together to celebrate this occasion meant something to me. This was our first Christmas as a man and wife, and I wanted to do this right. Emma, on the other hand, was scuttling about, worried and stressed because this was her first official dinner party.
We were hosting, yes, but with the same people we saw and got together with often. I didn’t see the need to stress out about the dinner table napkins. Alas, she was adamant, however, so I aimed to please.
Most of the time during preparation, I would end up watching her move around, talk to other people. I saw how her smile would light up her face, and each and every time it did, my heart would skip a beat. Her genuine personality and inner beauty always caught me off guard because, every time I left home to work and be surrounded by so many fake people, I was beyond grateful that I’d found someone real; someone who wasn’t enamored by publicity and fame.
Most of all, I was lucky to have a wife who placed me high above all. I was her main priority. I simply couldn’t ask for anything else. Though at times, I caught her with that sad, far-away look in her eyes, I hoped that someday she would recover from the loss of Angela and her guilt of losing our baby.
Her recovery would take time, but no matter how long that took, I would always be here, by her side, holding her hand and ready to face whatever demons she needed to confront.
Right before the guests arrived, we had just finished getting ready and were on our way downstairs when I stopped her, reaching out the moment we took our last step on our descent down the stairs. “Hey, hey—wait.”
She spun around and looked at me, frowning. “Bass, I have to check on the ham,” she protested, ready to sprint back to the kitchen.
“Look at me, Emma.” Lifting her face to mine, I searched her eyes, needing her to relax and breathe for a second. “Even if that ham turns out to be burnt, I just want you to know that we’re all going to have fun and enjoy tonight because we’re with our loved ones. Take a step back and let the caterers do their jobs.” She was about to protest, but I cut her off. “Nothing will go wrong, trust me.” I kissed her forehead. “Now, can I get you something to drink? Champagne, perhaps?”
“Yes, thank you. Actually, I’ll have sparkling water with a slice of lemon, please.” I left her in the living room area where the Christmas tree was lit up before I fetched her drink.
One of the main things I had noticed with my wife as of late was that she took everything too seriously. The fun-loving woman was submerged somewhere, and at times, I could get that floating back in the surface.
All I wanted this Christmas was Emma; her happiness was my main priority. I just needed to find the right answer—that essential ingredient—that would put everything back together, then all would be well again.
When the guests finally started arriving and Emma was surrounded by her parents and her friends, she was once again my carefree woman.
Love was what she needed. Laughter, too. It was simple, and yet, sometimes we overlooked the simplest and the most vital, important things in life.
After all our guests left for the evening, a small yawn came from me at the same time I pulled my wife from behind. “Let’s get close to the fireplace. All I want right now is to just spend time with you and savor each of your kisses.”
“I’d love that.”
Seated on our sofa with Emma’s head resting on my lap, I stroked her hair while staring at the fire dancing before us. I barely heard her call my name, lost in the peaceful moment.
“Mmm?” I responded, absentmindedly.
Her eyes never left the fire as she asked me, “How do feel about having a baby again?”
Her question took me aback. I needed a second or two to process her question because Emma didn’t discuss anything about babies without getting emotional. “I thought you said we’d wait for a little bit?” I stopped stroking her hair, waiting for her response.
“Yes, I did say that…” she whispered, trailing off.
“You did, but you’re having a change of heart?”
She started to shift, getting up to sit on her heels, looking at me hesitantly. “Not exactly…” She paused. “You see, I haven’t been taking my pills rigorously. I know we just got hitched, but it’s one of those things where I’m merely leaving it all to luck, you know?”
Where was she heading with this? “What are you trying to tell me?” I was more than anxious, and it didn’t help that she was taking her time to say what she wanted to say.
Then her eyes twinkled.
What! “You’re…?” I gasped before my eyes dropped to her flat stomach then back to her face again. Shocked. “You’re pregnant?”
“Nine weeks and counting,” she whispered, holding back a smile.
She had been carrying out child this whole time? Holy fuck! I had no clue.
Emma started frowning. “You’re not pissed, are you?”
I looked at her in disbelief. Pissed? You have got to be joking. “I’m fucking stupendous, my love,” I gleefully yelled, picking her up in my arms and kissing her senseless. “We’re having a baby!”
She grinned, loving the crazy reaction from me. “We are certainly going to have a mini-me soon.”
“I fucking love you, Emma! Thank you.” I kissed her deeply. “Thank you for giving me the most wonderful Christmas present.” A family with our baby. “I can’t wait to see you swollen with my child, my love.”
I would cater to her needs. I would be by her side every step of the way. It would be different this time. This time, I would be a part of every single kick, every appointment, baby shopping and exercises. Name it, and I would be fuckin
g there.
“Marry me.”
She rolled her eyes. “I already did. Twice.”
My chest could combust with so much profound joy; I could barely manage to breathe. “Again. I want to marry you again. This time, I want the frills; the big church wedding and the five hundred guests. I want to give you the fairytale wedding.”
She cupped my cheek, kissing me gently. “But we don’t need all the frills, babe. You already are my fairytale.”
Sigh, I was becoming a sappy bastard, but fuck, this was the best thing in life. “Yes… but this time, our baby will be with us. I want to celebrate it with the wedding that you should’ve gotten—to celebrate love, life and new beginnings. I’m going to do this right, Emma. I’m going to be the best goddamned husband and father you’ll ever see.”
“Best goddamned husband, huh?” She grinned, wiggling her eyebrows before kissing the tip of my nose. “I love that.”
“That’s right.” Delicately placing her on the couch, I hovered above her. “I need to make love to my pregnant wife. I promise to be gentle.” The need to kiss her and worship her all night long was imperative.
Emma bit her bottom lip, wickedly. “But I don’t want gentle.”
My wife, the vixen. “I do love that you love it rough.” But I didn’t want to hurt the baby. “Are you sure that would be okay? I don’t want to hurt our little bundle of joy.”
“It’ll be fine. The doctor said it was okay,” she urged, pulling my body close to hers.
A deep, guttural groan came from me when I seated myself to the hilt inside of her, feeling like a king—the luckiest bastard in all the lands. As lovemaking went, it was the most emotional one we’d ever had, and when we came, I felt a sense of fulfillment. Contentment. Completion.
Staring into my wife’s beautiful soul, my heart spoke, “Thank you for giving me my first Christmas.” It was unforgettable.
I may not have had any relationship with my parents, but this—Emma, Gus and our new baby—was all I needed, all I lived for. The future was all that mattered. The past remained where it belonged, in the past.
We had made new memories after all.
Undivided we fell. Together we rose. No matter what tomorrow entailed, I was ready for it.
~ Bass + Emma ~
Thank you!
Much love,
Pamela Ann xx
**** The Torn Series Order ****
1) Scornfully Yours (Emma #1)
2) Scornfully Hers (Carter Mason Novella)
3) Frayed (Trista)
4) Blasphemous (Emma #2)
5) Undeniably Yours (Bass Cole Novella)
6) Scorned (Lindsey)
7) Fixated On You (Emma #3)
8) Christmas With You (Emma: A Novella)
9) Unveiled (Lindsey #2) TBA 2014
10) Crushed (Amber) TBA 2014
11) Damaged TBA 2014
FORMULA MEN SERIES coming in 2014
Monza (Luca)
Barcelona (Andrès)
Nice (Jacques)
Lily’s Mistake
Loving Drake (# 1.5) Coming Soon
Loving Lily (Lily’s Mistake) Spring 2014
Falling For My Husband (British Billionaires)
Falling For Ava (British Billionaires) TBA 2014
The Chasing Series:
Chasing Beautiful
Chasing Imperfection
Chasing Paradise
Chasing Forever (Toby + Lucy) TBA 2014
Chasing Mrs. Knightly (The Epilogue) TBA 2014
Chasing Memories (Kyle) TBA 2014
Pieces Of You & Me (Book 1 of 2) January 2014
Pieces Of Us (Book 2 of 2) Spring 2104
Havoc Coming Soon